Who does what
Ministers.We are a member church of the Rochdale, Bury and North Manchester URC Missional Partnership which is served by two full-time ministers.
Worship Leaders Sunday services at 10.30, monthly cafe-style services (shared with the partnership), bi-monthly midweek services Wednesdays 19.00 and special services for Christmas and Easter.
Children and Youth Junior Church and creche, Youth Fellowship, Toddlers, Messy Church, Boys' and Girls' Brigade
Decision-making URC churches are democratic organisations in which all important decisions are made by its members.who hold a church meeting quarterly. AGM is our church meeting in March.
Secretary The church secretary is our "CEO".
Elders We have 12 elders who are our "board of directors" overseeing all aspects of the work of the church and have pastoral oversight of all who are connected with the church.
Committees/groups support the elders in specific areas of the church work:
Finance, Pastoral, Prayer, Food For Thought Drama group, Monday gang, Home Groups, Eco Church, Church in the World, Dementia-Friendly Cafe, Community Coffee Morning, Luncheon Club, Film Club, Big Breakfast, Friendship Group,
In Addition The premises are the home of boys' and girls' uniformed organisations, bridge club, indoor bowls club
To cope with "emergencies" among members of our church family, we have teams of volunteers who provide meals and/or transport to hospital appointments, etc