In May 1987, the church meeting approved the principle of holding a Third World Project. This was the first of what was to become an annual event in the church calendar. Over time the group that organised the third world project evolved into the Church in the World Group. The Church in the world group now incorporates fundraising and supporting local and global projects such as Christian Aid, Traidcraft, Food banks, Shoe Box appeal and RADAR (Rochdale Action with Destitute Asylum seekers and Refugees).
Developing World Project
We have raised money for a different project in the developing world since 1987. The project brings together young and old to learn how we can help others and in doing so we learn about other countries, cultures, religions and the difficulties people face. We want to raise awareness in our congregation about the plight of our fellow man across the world. We hope to show how we care for others and share the love of God.
Christian Aid
Christian Aid seeks to eradicate extreme poverty by tackling its root causes to create lasting change. The Church in the world group has supported Christian Aid for a number of years. We have done door to door collections in the local area, fundraising breakfasts and lunches. We have also had dedicated services to Christian Aid.
Shoe Box Appeal
Members of the Church in the World Group continue to collect gifts and toys and create shoe boxes of gifts to give to children in countries such as Belarus who won't be receiving any gifts over Christmas.
RADAR (Rochdale Action with Destitute Asylum seekers and Refugees) is the latest of the charities that the Church in the World Group supports. This combines a global issue with a local charity aiming to help provide temporary accommodation for destitute asylum seekers.
In May 1987, the church meeting approved the principle of holding a Third World Project. This was the first of what was to become an annual event in the church calendar, and in 1987 led by Rev. Ivor Rees the first project to support a Tea Plantation in Sri Lanka was launched.
Over time the third world project evolved into the Church in the World Group which incorporates fundraising and supporting local and global projects such as Christian Aid, Traidcraft, Food banks, Shoe Box appeal and RADAR (Rochdale Action with Destitute Asylum seekers and Refugees).
The project brings together young and old to learn how we can help others and in doing so we learn about other countries, cultures, religions and the difficulties people face. We want to raise awareness in our congregation about the plight of our fellow man across the world. We hope to show how we care for others and share the love of God.